因为当前(至少NexT主题自带下)的gitalk使用md5(post_path)作为label,从而导致了「WIKI中的评论初始化」无法正常使用。我这边用bash重写了自动生成issue的代码,顺便为了保证自动化增加了issue是否存在的判定以及github actions的支持。


username=”C0MM4ND” # github username token=”XXXXXX” # personal access token repo_name=”c0mm4nd.com” # issues repo host=”https://c0mm4nd.com” # host url without suffix / sitemap_path=”/sitemap.xml” # sitemap path post_regex=”https://c0mm4nd.com/post/[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*” # !important, you have to distinguish the posts, # or the tags, categories even indexs will pollute # your github issue kind=”Gitalk”

return $title

read_title () { post_url=$1 title=$(curl -s $post_url | grep -oP ‘(?<=)(.*)(?=)’) }

return $post_path

get_post_path () { full_post_url=$1 post_path=${full_post_url#”$host”} # cut host prefix }

return $exist

check_issue_exist () { post_url=$1 post_title=$2 get_post_path $post_url hex_md5=$(echo -n $post_path | md5sum | awk ‘{ print $1 }’)

body=$(curl -X GET -u $username:$token -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
if [[ $body == *$post_title* ]]; then
    exist=1 # exist
fi }

create_issue () { post_url=$1 post_title=$2 get_post_path $post_url hex_md5=$(echo -n $post_path | md5sum | awk ‘{ print $1 }’)

curl -X POST -u $username:$token -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"body\": \"$post_url\", \"labels\": [\"$kind\", \"$hex_md5\"], \"title\": \"$post_title\" }" \
"https://api.github.com/repos/$username/$repo_name/issues" }

i=1 for url in $(curl -s $host$sitemap_path | grep -oP ‘(?<=).*?(?=)’) do if [[ $url =~ $post_regex ]]; then echo $url” is valid post” read_title $url echo $title check_issue_exist $url “$title” if !(($exist)); then echo “cannot find the issue, start creating” create_issue $url “$title” fi i=$(($i+1)) if !(($i % 10)); then sleep 2s fi fi done

github actions及部署方式见此 https://github.com/C0MM4ND/scripts/tree/main/AutoIssue

技术不精没怎么写过bash,完全是为了github actions能快速启动执行才选的,请大佬们轻喷。
