Firefox-Addon Redirector 1.5发布

前段时间说过的插件Redirector,以相当相当快的响应动作,发布了新的版本,支持了许多新的特性,以及修复了许多Bug,按作者的讲法,短期内,他不会再做新的发布了。不过在我看来,这个版本几乎完美——有了它,我完全可以删掉redirecor remove了。而且现在甚至在鲜果当中的快捷键操作,也都完全可用了,不错。



This version pretty much adds all features and fixes that people have been asking for, that”s why I bumped the version all the way up to 1.5. Here”s what”s new:

Firefox 3 compatibility

Improved UI in the Redirector settings window

Access Redirector settings through the statusbar icon. Left click disables Redirector, right click shows settings.

Ability to hide context menu and status bar through about:config, just search for redirector and you"ll find the config options.

Replacement chars ($1,$2…) for wildcards as well as regular expressions.

Help file included with examples, accessible through the Redirector settings window.

Possible to add exclude patterns in addition to the normal include patterns, this makes capturing certain things simpler.

And last but not least, redirects now work when opening new windows, new tabs, middle clicking links, opening bookmarks and opening urls from other applications.

I think this addon is pretty much feature complete at this point, I don”t think I”ll work more on it except to fix bugs from now on. Enjoy

08 Jan 2008 , 写毕。